My Stationary RV Living Struggles: $20,000 Master RV Tech’s BIG Water Mistake!
Resolving RV Water Problems While Living Stationary In An RV Park: Behind The Scenes… In this episode, I tackle a persistent issue with no hot water in my RV after dealing with an RV water leak and no water pressure in my RV. Here’s what happened… I hired an RVTAA Master Certified RV Technician who fixed some problems but ended up mixing the hot and cold water lines, causing more complications. After spending $$$ hundreds of dollars later, I still don’t have hot water and find the entire setup concerning. I document the steps taken, including changing water regulators, diagnosing valve placements, addressing leaks, and more. This video provides a detailed look into the challenges of RV maintenance, highlighting the importance of taking before-and-after photos and ensuring proper professional RV help.
FYI Since I’m RV Living Stationary, I need someone to come to me for help! So I used The RVTAA (RV Technician Association Of America) website https://rvtaa.org/ “Find An RV Technician locator” tools via their https://rvhelp.com/mobile-rv-repair site to find Mobile RV Repair Service = It says, “Discover top-rated RV mobile repair technicians that will come to you” and answers FAQs like RV Repair Shops vs Mobile Service and Why Choose Mobile RV Repair etc… I hired a “MASTER CERTIFIED RV Technician” the Highest level of certification for RV Technicians!
If you’ve ever thought about RV Living especially, Stationary RV Life, this is “Stationary RV Living For Beginners” a little learning lesson — What happens when things go wrong, the day I hired a Mobile RV Service, actually a Mobile RV Technician! Because YES there are PROS and CONS of Full Time STATIONARY RV LIVING IN AN RV PARK vs Traveling! Dealing with RV repairs and having your RV Repaired without having to move it can be a blessing or a curse!
WATCH AND SEE… This is another day of my stationary RV life and Stationary RV Living Struggles after a $20,000 Master RV Tech’s Water Mistake caused BIG problems for me! 🚿😡
PS If you like this video, don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my Channel @RVersity and tap that little bell to be notified every time I publish a new one! 🔔
Here is the transcript from the video:
00:00 Introduction: The Water Leak Problem
I have or had a water leak. Now I have no hot water, so I’ve been trying to figure out why I don’t have hot water in my rv. I got this guy off of RVTAA. I think it’s like the RV Technician Association or something like that. Know, which is hard to do unless there’s a hole or a cut in it. Mm-hmm. You, you’re gonna be just fine.
You didn’t have enough to make it. And so it would be closed if you turned those in. Correct. So if you turn those, you turn open is in line. Okay. Closed is against line. And just close ’em both and then it’ll loop in front of the water heater that, that way you could actually take both of those knobs off the back and no water’s gonna go through ’em.
Still. Just calcium build up is all it is. Hmm. It’s all caked inside your water heater too. That’s why I’m getting ready to flush.
01:00 Initial Troubleshooting Efforts
He has been super nice and he told me how he spent like $20,000 to go get certified and do like all this RV inspection and all this. Stuff. And so I’ve been looking at this line trying to figure out like, why am I not getting hot water?
Because first I had a water leak. Well, first I had no water pressure. And then, uh, and we had this freeze that went down and I was like, what’s going on? Like, why do I not have water pressure? Did I have a burst of pipe or something? I’m still trying to make sure I don’t have any water leaks either.
01:28 Discovering More Issues
But I changed the regulator out and that seemed to be the issue. So first there was no water pressure in any of the toilets in the sink, and so we changed the regulator outside and that seemed to be the issue for the water pressure. Upon doing so, we came in here and looked and noticed that there was a leak in the mechanisms for the hot water and cold water.
These little areas right here were leaking. That was all fixed four, $500 later, and I’m sitting here trying to figure out, okay, why have I not got hot water? But I’ve been looking at this when he fixed it. The other thing was, which I’m gonna have to ask about this, but this line, he told me he bought a bunch of blue and so he just was gonna use blue instead of going and buying the red.
And because he already had it, but I’m gonna have to be like, I, I really want the red line because I just think that’s kind of janky and you should just spend the money. Like if you own a business, you should just spend the money and get that. I was looking at this and I was like, before this blue line right here, oops.
Right here was on, was not blue for one. It was white and it was on the backside of this. And then the shutoff valves were kind of like on the front. Or like in the middle. And so I have a picture of from before and then I have a little picture after. But what I’m trying to figure out is like if they shut off valves, if, if these valves, if this thing was on the backside, and now it’s on the front side and these valves are here, like what are they really shutting off other than the water getting into the tank, you know?
Like, I don’t, I don’t really think that that’s what is supposed to happen. I feel like the, this piece should be back here where it was before, and I’m just really trying to figure this out.
03:27 Frustrations with the Technician
But anyways, I’ve had the hot water on and I know that the tank is heating. The problem is it doesn’t actually give me any hot water because I feel that the lines are crossed or the mechanism that was built is not good.
So the good news is it’s not leaking. The bad news is I have no hot water. So I gotta figure this out. Or actually I’m gonna have to call, but it’s just kind of frustrating ’cause I really don’t want to have to deal with this. It was already like a whole day event on Sunday and then a whole new, another one on Monday.
And through we go again. I haven’t had hot water in like three days and I had to go take a shower at my mom’s house. I’m really not trying to deal with this again, but if that’s the fix, one I’m gonna laugh. Two, I’m gonna be like. I don’t know. My boyfriend’s kinda like, where did you find this guy from?
And now we paid $500. And not that I don’t think he’s gonna come fix it. I think the problem is if that really is how he wired it up. It’s kind of concerning that this is like an RV technician. That’s what my day is gonna consist of now, like the more that I’m looking at this, actually saw this water there.
I don’t know if that’s old water or new water, but it does look like it’s kind of leaking back there. You know what I’m saying? Not good. Not good. I almost feel like I hear it.
05:08 Ongoing Struggles and Updates
So I wanted to tell you what I’m up to right now, and. Just to give you a little sneak peek behind the scenes. So this here, these are my water lines underneath my rv, and they were leaking and they still are leaking back there in the corner. Which I felt like they weren’t leaking there before, but this is my stationary travel trailer that I keep here at the RV park.
After the freeze the other day, things kind of froze up, but now they’ve unfroze and what happened was my water regulator was broken, but then whenever I was. Called somebody out to look at. We gotta looking at the lines, and these lines were leaking. And then now they ran the lines, but they ran the lines like backwards.
And I don’t know if you can tell that this line right here connects the hot and cold water together. They try to cut corners by using like blue on blue instead of buying the red and. I just, I feel like this is not good. Now I’m trying to get ’em to come back out and fix this. And I’m not saying that they won’t.
It’s just I spent a whole day or two on this already and I can’t take hot showers and now I don’t have hot water because my hot and cold water are mixing together because there’s no shut off between them. And now that I’m saying there’s a leak back here that you probably can’t see. The way that I’m holding the phone now, they’re telling me that I’m gonna have to pay them and I’ve already paid them, what, $500 to fix this.
So, I don’t know. I’m just like. Hopefully this is not gonna turn into something ugly, but I just figured I’d show you kind of what I’m dealing with and like I can’t be working on other things I need to be working on. ’cause now I’m sitting here back and forth with this person about my rv. Another reason why you should take pictures of things before and after and I document so many things is because I’m literally sitting there looking at the pictures before and after and I’m sending them back and forth to the person and I’m like, Hey, this doesn’t look right.
Why, why does it look different than before?
I don’t know. We’re gonna see how this goes, but I feel like I’ve had more RVs and been RVing longer than the person that came to fix my rv. That’s like RVTAA certified, which is another thing. I’m gonna call that place and ask them what their certifications are and what kind of thing they do to back these people up.
But that’s what’s going on. I’m working on getting some more content videos out, but. What happens when I have to deal with these things, which I’ve been dealing with for like a week or two now, but I’ve figured out the source of the problem, fix the source of the problem, and now there’s more problems is keeping me from doing the other things I need to be doing.
So this is why I share my RV life with you so that you can learn from all the things that happen to me too. Love you.
08:05 Final Thoughts and Resolution
I just wanted to update you so far ’cause there’s not a resolution yet, but my water leak is very strange and my assumption about the water being hooked up incorrectly is
100% accurate.
Go figure. I don’t know how you get a RVTAA master technician certified that hooks up the water this way. And so it would be closed if you turn those in then.
Correct. So yeah, you turn those, you turn open is in line, it’s flush. Okay. Closed is against line. Gotcha. And just close ’em both and then it’ll loop in front of the water heater that, that way you could actually take both of those knobs off the back and no water’s gonna go through ’em still. But anyways, my hot water and my cold water are actually going together during, in that one pole.
They just mix together. Very strange. I’ve been trying to figure out why I have water leaking whenever I turn the water on in the RV, and it’s like leaking from outside in the fresh water, so that’s very strange to me. This line right there goes to the fresh water fill and down to there. And then also when I turn my water pump on it is so loud.
Before it was not loud at all. Now it is super loud. And my flashlight just died. Go figure. Okay, so let’s turn the water on now.
Go Figure. I’m trying to listen to this, and my neighbor cranks his loud truck up. That’s my life. I just wanted to show you the fix that this guy made for the water issue. So before this hot and cold was mixing, but now he put this. Valve in here, so it turns it off so that the hot and cold water don’t mix.
And then, um, the reason that things were leaking was because this little switch that’s on here, that’s kind of hard to see, but it goes to this little, um, winterization line, which is capped off. And there’s water technically in it right now. So if that end wasn’t on it, water would be coming out of it because the way that we have it turned.
But if we turn it the other way, water comes through this pump and then, um, fills the fresh water tank, which is down there instead of the city water and or the city water comes through. But what happens is it just continues to fill the fresh water tank. So by turning this off, it keeps the water. From trying to go through the city line to the fresh water tank.
Otherwise, it just keeps filling. So I don’t know if there’s something bad or if there was a piece of sediment in the line or what, but that’s kind of the issue that’s been resolved now, or that’s the solution. And then of course, the water regulator outside.
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If we haven’t officially met, Hi I’m @bloggingbrandi an EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad and Entrepreneur who loves RVing while running my own business on the road! I created RVersity out of my love hate relationship with RV Life! It’s a space where I’ve put together all my RV tools and resources, plus a tribe of like minded RV Loving individuals all in one place!
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