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Full Time RV Living for Beginners Isn’t Always “Sunshine and Rainbows” (FYI). The Stress and Anxiety From FullTime RV Living is Why Iโ€™m Starting a New Series! Because there are Things to Know About Full Time RV Living to be Brutally Honest that I feel like most full time RVers donโ€™t discuss! It wasnโ€™t even until I started my โ€œFull Time RV Lifeโ€ Long Term in an RV Park Living that I got a HARD LESSON on what RV full time living really meant! Trust me, Iโ€™ve been living in an RV full time both full time RVing traveling on the road 24/7 to now Living in an RV Park Full time (aka Stationary RV Living). This is my advice from over 5 years of full time RV’ing experience that I wish I knew before starting as an โ€œRV Newbieโ€! In the past, Iโ€™ve made videos on โ€œHow To Prepare For Full Time RV Livingโ€ and โ€œMistakes Every RV Owner Should Avoidโ€ better known as RV Living For Dummies! BUT, If youโ€™re an โ€œRV Beginnerโ€ or just thinking about โ€œRV living full timeโ€ then this video is covering more of all the โ€œWhat ifโ€™sโ€ and OMG Moments so you can take the FEAR out of Starting RV Life!


If we havenโ€™t officially met, Hi Iโ€™m Blogging Brandi an EX-Corp Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad & Female Entrepreneur! (aka Female Digital Nomad Entrepreneur or Nomadic Entrepreneur) Because Sometimes Iโ€™m RV Living and Sometimes Iโ€™m NOT!

Now, I help other creators who are tired of feeling stuck, unaccomplished, and even maybe an outcast from the rest of the worldโ€™s idea of โ€œstatus quoโ€ become confident in reaching their financial goals and gaining their independence โ€Šโ€”โ€Šby following in my footsteps learning how to communicate, use their story to build their personal brand, and share the skills they have buried inside of themโ€Š to start their own online business as a digital nomad โ€”โ€Šya know, instead of a working a โ€œnormal 9โ€“5 or shift jobโ€ ๐Ÿ˜‰


I have worked with tons of brands, companies, and publications. (I.e. promotional partnerships, sponsored trips, website advertising opportunities, speaking event, product & service reviews.) letโ€™s chat!

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๐Ÿšจ WATCH >> My BIG RV Life UPDATES: What’s Happened & Coming Soon!

P.S. If we haven’t officially met, WATCH (MY STORY)… WHY I Live Full Time in an RV?

Here’s the video transcript:

Sometimes I forget what it’s like to be on your side of this and just starting out or not RVing. And I want to be able to share with you the good, bad and ugly. So I’ve told you I’ve been stationary for like two years. A lot of it, it was my choice. Okay. I wasn’t stationary because I had to be, I was stationary one because of the pandemic, but I mean, could I have kept moving? Could I have kept traveling? Yes. I chose not to. I chose to be stationary. Would I rather be out RV? Absolutely. If you haven’t followed a story, if you don’t know me, I’m bloggin Brandi from rversity, a university for RVers. And I essentially teach people how to get into this lifestyle, be sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon somewhere around this video. So you’re notified each and every time I publish a new video, when I’m talking to my students over at RVersity on the day to day, well, they’re all in different places.

Some of them have just bought their first RV. Some of them are getting ready to buy their first RV. Some of them are in their RV and they’re transitioning out to a new RV, you know, RV life, especially full-time RV life. I think a lot of people think like, oh, I’m gonna buy this one RV and that’s gonna be it. And I’m gonna be in it forever and ever, and ever. And that’s just not the reality of it. First thing, something can happen to your RV. Something can happen to you. Something can happen to the world. There’s no so many things that can go down. I think about whenever I started this journey, what, when I was traveling, I really just felt complete chaos. And I didn’t have my mobile setup down. If I were to take off now and leave, I would feel 100% confident that I could fix things or that I knew the person to call to get something fixed.

And the one thing that I feel like they don’t tell you about RV life and RV. When you dive into it is if something goes wrong with your RV, especially right now, when this whole pandemic hit and the world got turned upside down in manufacturing and all of that, you would drop your RV off and it could be gone for two months, three months. I mean, my van was gone two, three months. Every time it would be gone a month. Well, I’ve told you, I’m not really allowed to talk about my van story because I was forced to sign an NDA, a nondisclosure agreement with probably the largest RV dealership, at least in America, maybe in the world. I am not allowed to talk about certain things or maybe I’ll just say I’m a little scared to talk about those things, because it’s just a can of worms.

I really don’t. I wanna open up, but honestly, what’s crazy is like, I’m not allowed to tell you all the things that were going wrong in my van, especially at the time if I wanted them to fix it. So it’s like, Hey, you shut up and don’t tell anybody if you want us to actually help you. And that screwed me. What I should have said is no, I’m gonna tell everybody and not just keep this hush hush. Moral of the story. When you get your RV, keep all your receipts, conversations, emails, whatnot. But just so you know, when you get your RV, it’s not like you’re gonna get this RV and just go off on this journey and be happy and nothing’s gonna go wrong. Things are gonna break down.

You’re gonna be stuck trying to figure out where to stay when things happen to your RV. And they actually have, um, some places where you can go and you can get your RV worked on at the dealership. And some of them have spots where you can go camp and then you come get your RV worked on. So they’ll work on it. And then they’ll put you back outside at night and it goes back and forth. So it just depends. And that take some traveling. So if you’re on the other side of the country and you need to go get that done somewhere else, you just gotta think about those things. And also when things go wrong in your RV, you kind of like group ’em together, do it all at one time. So the reason I wanna tell you all those things is, cuz I know that like in your life, where you’re at, when I talk to people, they’re like, you know, I’m in this climate.

I don’t wanna be in. I wanna be able to travel24/7, I’m sick of the weather. I’m getting older, I’m ready to retire. Maybe you’re not ready to retire yet. Maybe you still wanna keep working. Maybe you still wanna make money on the road. And that’s the thing that I feel like a lot of people don’t understand is back in the day when I did finance, I taught people that, Hey, you should save up five, 10 years. Well not five 10, like literally like 20, 30 years. And then one day when you retire, you can do this RV thing. But the thing is like, you might not make it that far. You might get sick. Someone might pass away. Your financial situation might change. The world might change. Like there’s so many variables that can happen to where you might not have the opportunity later on.

So it’s kinda like if you can make the opportunity now, why not? That’s the ironic things I used to plan. These people’s retirement and like, oh, you know, eventually one day you’ll be able to do this, but really they could do it then like now. And that’s the crazy part is I would do this financial advising stuff and tell people how they could make all this money later on. Instead of they’re making it now or they could be making it now, things can happen. That’s why you wanna travel now. And you wanna do this RV thing now whether you’re stationary or whatever, at least if you start out stationary, then you can leave when you want. Cuz I could leave and just come back here. I could pull out today, be gone for a week and just come right back to my spot. But I pay for that.

That’s really the thing that hit home with me is like, do you even know where you’re headed on this journey? Do you want someone to hold your hand on this journey? Because I know where I was when I started out, like, I didn’t know anything about RV life. I didn’t know what I was doing. I had this trailer that I drove around and then I had this horrible accident and then I had a van and another van now I have this motor home and then someone installed my trailer. And so I’ve had to figure out what to do, like when my RV was in the shop and when things broke and sometimes I guess I forget where you’re at and where I’m at. But the funny part is, if you asked me something, I would be able to help you find the solution because I’ve been there.

That’s why I created rversity. That’s why I created my whole university. And that’s really what my heart and soul is. So I teach people about how to make this RV life happen. I speed up the process. So you ain’t waiting 20, 30 years. If you wanna do it, we can do it now. Not next year, not two years from now. We can start. Now we can figure out where you’re at and say, Hey, you know, you can make this happen next month you can make this happen six months from now. You don’t have to wait forever. That’s the beauty of me creating my own business and this journey and this money stream that I’ve done. So I have RVersity, but I have other streams of income as well. And a lot of my students have different streams of income. Some people paint, some people have jobs, some people have local jobs.

Some people work camp. Some people live off of their retirement and savings and the, their pensions and social security and different things like that. So I have people from all different ranges and ages that I work with and people that wanna RV. And that’s the interesting part is like, it’s not this thing that you have to wait until I’m so old, then I can finally do it. Maybe you don’t wanna do it, or maybe you’re too sick to do it. Or unhealthy. Then rversity is really me helping you get started on this RV journey. And if you wanna learn more about that, like I said, you can click the link below this video, but my goal is to help speed this process up, get you to where you’re going faster than I got there and not with all the headaches and the money that it cost that I wasted.

I’ve wasted tens of thousands of dollars, tens of thousands, lots of money. That’s kind of why I started the whole RVersity thing. And also it came from. The fact that I didn’t have any help. I didn’t have anyone to help me. I was doing it by myself and I thought, you know, my boyfriend will come along eventually. And he did do a lot and he has grown a lot and I love him so much. Okay. He’s broken barriers, but I want him to sell his house and us to buy an RV and do the RV thing ourselves, you know? And so I’ve like, I’ve been doing it. I can’t force someone to do something they don’t wanna do. That’s kind of why I’ve been stationary, you know, to have both sides of things. I always say like, what if he weren’t here tomorrow? If something happened to him, God forbid, if something happened to him, what would I do?

I would probably still be in this RV and it would probably break my heart, but it wouldn’t change, change my entire dreams and goals. Like my dreams and goals, I guess are still the same. And so that’s why I say you shouldn’t put all your dreams and goals into one person or another person or say like, oh, I’ll do this RV thing. When I find someone or eventually you need to have goals that you can do now, even if it’s a small goal to get you towards RV life, like go and look at RV’s watch video videos like this. You can watch them on other videos you can join RVersity. So I’ll put a link to RVersity, I know I talk about that, but I’ll put a link to that below this video. So you can book a call with me and learn more about rversity and really find out if it’s right for you.

It’s a beautiful life. It’s a humbling life, but it’s just like any other life. It has its ups and downs. And so I wanted to share with you the ugly side and the good side. If you like this video hit the like button below. Let me know that you want more of these and please drop a comment below this video. I love to read them. So be sure to check the description and all of the fun stuff that I mentioned and until the next time I’m Bloggin Brandi from RVersity, and I’ll see you in the next video and the next adventure that we’re on. Love you. Bye.


If we havenโ€™t officially met, Hi Iโ€™m Blogging Brandi, an EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be a Blogger, Creator, Digital Nomad, and Entrepreneur who loves RVing while running my own business on the road! Over 9 years ago, I traded my sticks & bricks lifestyle for a life on wheels. Quit my job, sold my house, and everything else, and then bought an RV! First, was a Travel Trailer, then Van Life, and eventually Motorhome Living! I created RVersity (RV + University) out of my love-hate relationship with RV Life!