Here is How To Determine Your RV Lifestyle. In this video, I’m sharing 3 RV Tips on how to find your dream RV lifestyle and set your RV life goals. There are different stages of RV lifestyles: Weekend Warriors, Part Time RVers, and those who are Full Time RV Living. If you’re thinking about RV living and wondering if full time RV life is for you then this video will teach you how to find your RV lifestyle.
Have you ever gone on a vacation and never wanted to leave or return home to your normal nine to five life and job? Maybe during the pandemic you were able to work remotely or work from home and now you want to stop looking at the same four walls! Take your life outside of those for walls? Then, having a mobile office might be the key to your freedom or rv life might be calling your name? So in this video I’m going to explain all about how to discover your ideal RV lifestyle, how to determine it? Plus, how to set goals so if you want to get your RV life started! Because when it comes to getting your rv life started determining your RV lifestyle and goals is just the first step! I’m going to show you how to do it from start to finish!
STEP #1: Decide what type of RVer are you (currently)
Step number one in determining your ideal rv lifestyle is to figure out: when do you plan on RVing? How long do you plan on rving at a time? Are you going to be a weekender a part-timer or a full-timer?
There are Different TYPES of RVers! Weekenders or weekend warriors as we call them for people who just want to take a quick vacation maybe a weekend trip or a week at a time. Then you have your part-time rvers who ease into it a little bit more they might go for months at a time maybe they have a home and then they just take their rv out in the winter to get down to maybe like florida during the winter months or somewhere warmer. Then you have of course your full-time birds who are doing this full-time so they eat sleep work live breathe in their RV all the time they don’t have a stationary sticks and bricks home (typically but not always the case).
However, When you start this whole process about rving out you might start out as a weekend warrior and then ease into part-time before you become a full-time rver!
STEP #2: How many people are RVing with you?
Step number two to determining your ideal RV lifestyle is to figure out how many people are going to be RVing with you? Who’s RVing with you? Are you RVing alone? Will you have your spouse with you: boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, just a friend? Do you have children that are going to be RVing with you? Do you have pets coming along? or do you have somebody that might be handicapped? Maybe they have a disability? – these are all things to think about when you’re determining your ideal RV lifestyle and needs!
STEP #3: Are you hooking-up or boondocking?
Step number three to determining your ideal RV lifestyle is to figure out whether you’re going to be hooked up or boondocking? Meaning are you gonna be stationary living somewhere like at an rv park most of the time? Hooked up to power, water, sewer, if you’re lucky cable and wi-fi too! But you’re normally going to be hooked-up at an RV park unless you own land somewhere. But either way you have to pay for those amenities unless you’re going to be boondocking!
If you’re going to be boondocking or dry camping that means that you’re going to be traveling and living off the grid or land somewhere. Maybe you’re going to be in a parking lot or on private land and that means you’re not going to have the same RV hookups (water, electric, sewer, cable, wi-fi) you would have if you were hooked up. So you will have to consider how your going to not only get all those resources but also take them with you on the road. As an RVer you want to be self-sufficient not having to rely on others for your resources.
Now you might be doing a little bit of both hooking-up and boondocking. Maybe you travel a few days dry-camping and then plug up at an rv park for a few days. That all denpdning on the type of RV you have, how much water it can hold, etc… This is why before buying an RV or diving into RV life you need to determine your ideal RV lifestyle! Again, why all of these things mentioned are important to think about before you actually hit the road!
Next steps…
Now you know three simple steps and questions to ask yourself in order to determine your ideal rv lifestyle and the perfect type of RV! But figuring out your RV lifestyle is just the first step! You’re going to want to download my RV life planner! It will walk you step by step through the process! However, if you want to fast-track your freedom and get right on the road to RV life I can help you! Be sure to JOIN and become a Member of RVersity for tons of RV tutorials, tips, tricks, tools, and resources, plus a community of like-minded RVers! Now it’s your turn, what is your biggest takeaway? What did you learn about determining your dream RV lifestyle? What questions do you have – drop them in the comments below! I cannot wait to read them!
📚 [DOWNLOAD] My RV LIFE PLANNER to help get prepared for RV Life!
If we haven’t officially met, Hi I’m Blogging Brandi, an EX-Corporate Kool-Aid Drinker, born to be Creator, Digital Nomad and Entrepreneur who loves RVing while running my own business on the road! Over 8 years ago, I traded my sticks & bricks lifestyle for a life on wheels. Quit my job, sold my house, and everything else, then bought an RV! First, was a Travel Trailer, then Van Life and eventually Motorhome Living!
I created RVersity out of my love hate relationship with RV Life! Because whether you’re a weekender, snowbird, part-timer, or full time RV living, RVersity Member Benefits are here to support you. Get help with everything needed to make RVing easy, affordable, safe, and most important of all fun! It’s a space where I’ve put together all my RV tools and resources, plus a tribe of like minded RV Loving individuals all in one place!
- 🎁 [GET THE FREE GUIDE] Plan & Prepare for Full Time RV Living With My RV Life Planner!
- 💪 [FREE MASTERCLASS] – 45min online training!] Learn My Proven 4-Step “Full Time RV Life Formula” To Get Started Fast & Easy!
- Part #1 – WHY I Live Full Time in an RV! [VIDEO]
- Part #2 – How I decided to Become A Solo Female Digital Nomad (NOT always RV Living) Entrepreneur!
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🚨 UPDATE: My Full Time RV LIFE IS NOT THE SAME! (What Changed?
>> WATCH: How To Prepare For Full Time RV Living [BEGINNERS GUIDE]